When 3 became 5…….

Marie (mama) and Jean (papa) had two boys and then did not have anymore children.  They wanted more kids but said God did not give them any.  Marie become pregnant 6 years later.  They were both very excited and overjoyed that they were going to have another baby.  Jean worked very hard in the gardens each day.  He planted his bean crop and thought of his family and how much he loved them. He wondered what he might have -another boy or perhaps a girl?  He decided whatever God would give him be would be happy with.  He worked and worked every day.  Many days he was very tired when he got home.  But when he saw his wife and her growing belly it gave him strength to keep going in this hard life.  Marie worked too.  She carried the produce from their gardens to the market weekly to sell.  She awaited the day she would feel her baby move inside her belly.  As her belly grew, her husband worked, she continued work, and play with her two boys.  With the little money they hard they bought a few new baby clothes.  The boys were both happy they would have a new brother or sister soon.  Marie’s family and neighbors were all very excited that she was going to have another child after 6 years.  Marie began having labor pains early in the morning on May 1st.  She had Jean call for the local midwife.  They came and helped her deliver on the dirt floor of her house with a oil lamp for light.  Marie had an easy labor, she did not suffer.  Marie and Jean were overjoyed when they saw it was a baby girl!  Marie was so very happy.  She began to have more pains and to her delight had another baby girl.  TWINS!  Jean and Marie were speechless.  Two girls to go with their two boys!  Marie was tired but she worked very hard to breastfeed the girls each day.  She was planning a trip to the RHFH clinic this week.  On Saturday she began having chest pains.  She told Jean to call “the doctor” by their house.  Jean left to get the doctor and when he returned Marie was dead.  Jean was shocked.  He was so very sad.  He did not understand why this was happening.  Jean had to prepare to bury his wife the next morning.  He asked his neighbors to carry the girls down to “kay Zach” (Zach’s house) because he heard they take care of little babies without mom’s.  The neighbors got up early Sunday morning and traveled 6 hours by foot to get to Cazale.  Alinta and Jalinta were waiting at the gate when we got up.  They join 5 boys all around 5 pounds in the tent.

RHFH and these 5 babies need your prayers.  Our prayer is simple-we want all of them to live.  That simple.  Life please in the name of Jesus.

Psalm 109:21-22 (New King James Version)

 21 But You, O GOD the Lord,
         Deal with me for Your name’s sake;
         Because Your mercy is good, deliver me.
 22 For I am poor and needy,
         And my heart is wounded within me.


  1. kathy says

    I am so sad for that dad. Such a great blessing and heartache so close together.

    I am going to pay pal you money for the dad to help with whatever he needs.

  2. Ralph, Sharel and Loudnie says

    Lord Lord!
    Though we do not understand your ways and your plan we except these facts. Your Word is ever true and your promises are faithful. Your Word says we have not because we ask not. So Lord I am asking in the Mighty Name of Jesus make a way for all five of these wee ones they are yours they depend on you and your people to do the right things. Give those that tend them wisdom and understanding. Give them the desire to hold them and love them and to provide the right nurishment for each one of them. Lord place in these small babies your hope for a bright future. Use them to change a nation. Give them peace. Prepare a way for them right now. I thank you now for the way you are going to and are moving now. Thank you In the name of Jesus AMEN!!!!

  3. Lauri Balbi says

    Very sad story. Makes me wish that I were there to hold those precious little ones.

  4. Jamie Bruce says

    It breaks my heart to think of Jean having to bury his wife and mother of his children while rejoicing for the new baby girls. I will be praying for Alinta and Jalinta and that the staff at RHFH can comfort and nuture these little ones. I actually contemplate returning to Haiti and helping with their care, I especially love the tiny new babies. I will be checking out the volunteer app for RHFH tonite. God Bless All

  5. brooke r. says

    God bless you all, you work, your hearts. This is my first time posting, but I’ve been reading for awhile now, I came over here from the Livesay’s blog. I don’t know any of y’all, except through what you write on your blog, but as I finish my PhD in Educational Technology (teacher professional development is my main area), I am considering going into the missionary field. This has entered my thoughts because of y’all, the Livesays, and now other missionary blogs I read. Thank you for planting that seed.

    God’s peace be with you, and those that you serve.

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