Nou sonje ou Gran!

Today Madame Zach would have been 65 years old.  She left us here 6 years ago to go home to heaven.  We all miss her very, very much.  I want to share a story with you today about her.  She was very close to Carmelo, her first grandchild.  She read with Carmelo every night, she brought him special treats, she loved him and cared for him, and of course spoiled him. 🙂 Carmelo really misses her a lot.

So the story~~ Many years ago gran(that is what he called her) and Carmelo were sitting on the porch together eating and avocado.  They were having a fun time together and gran began talking about seeds and planting and things growing.  She told Carmelo that the seed from the avocado they just ate could grow a tree.  Carmelo was not to sure about that.  So after they ate the avocado together, Gran took the avocado seed and stuck two toothpicks in the sides and set it in a jar of water.  They set it on the porch.  Carmelo’s job was to make sure the jar had water in it.  After a time he began to see little roots.  They let the roots grow. Gran told Carmelo it was time to plant it in a small bucket with dirt.  So they did this and again Carmelo had to water the small tree.  It grew and he was so excited!  They transferred it to a large bucket and again it grew.  Finally they transferred it to the clinic yard.  It has been growing there since 2004.

Ever year it grew taller and taller.  But each year it never produced any fruit.  Several of the workers said it was no good and to cut it down.  Carmelo, of course, said “no”.  A few weeks ago Carmelo came and called me and was very excited.  He wanted  me to come look at the tree.  It was full of little baby avocados.  He was so happy.  We are all excited to eat ripe avocados in a few more weeks.  We wish everyday that Gran could be here with her, but we keep going and remember all she taught us throughout her life.  To God be the Glory!


  1. Cara says

    LOVE this! Carmelo is going to guard that tree for the rest of his life, and what a precious memory of his beloved “Gran”!

  2. Chrystal says

    Such a heartfelt, amazing story. Thank you…and please tell Carmelo that Gran is there with him, looking down from Heaven at the amazing avacado fruit that they grew together!

  3. Amy says

    Awesome story! Those will be the BEST tasting avacados you’ve ever had!!!

    ~Amy in WI

  4. Susan says

    Seven years to wait for a plant to “fruit”. Amazing. I have never known anyone who was willing to wait that long on an avacado plant. Good lessons here. God is Great indeed.

  5. Roberta says

    That’s so great! 🙂

  6. Bonnie says

    Lovely story, with a tree full of wonderful avocados and cherished memories. Enjoy it all!

  7. kim says

    Beautiful story .

  8. Jamie Bruce says

    Wait upon the Lord, for He makes all things beautiful “In His Time”

  9. Kathryn Howard says

    Oh, what a beautiful story! I enjoy your posts and you are in my prayers.

  10. Ronnie says

    I absolutely love this story. Thank you for sharing your lives and stories with us everyday. Stay Blessed!!!

  11. lora mapp says

    I love this sweet story. Thank you for telling it. Makes me think of what a blessing my Granddaddy was to me.
    After thirty years, I still miss him so much.

  12. Debbie Woodward says

    Carmelo – young and already so aware of God’s timing. Carmelo thanks for saving that tree and all those special memories.

  13. Terry says

    What a wonderful story of faith and perseverance!

  14. John and Perla says

    Thank you for that post. Getting ready to make a change here and wondering if we’ve done enough where we are. I can now say, yes. Thanks again!

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