

I wrote about Loner a few weeks ago here. A return patient from the RC.  A child that recovered and was well, only to come back several months later very ill and near death.   We have this from time to time. We do the best we can with the resources that we have.  Loner is one of many.  I do not understand it.  He was malnourished, sick and neglected when he returned to RHFH.   His grandmother is caring for several of her grand kids, when her own kids should be caring for her.  Sometimes I feel very frustrated with situations like this.  I wonder what was the point of getting him better to send him back to his life of misery.  I feel like I have the right to say his life was like that.  Misery-literally starving and neglected.  His little body tried so hard to fight to live.  But he did not make it.  He was swollen with kwashiorkor, his groin area and bum were raw to the point of bleeding.  He did not have the desire to eat and had to be fed most of the time through a tube.  He cried and was in pain.  His mom died when he was born.  His father did not have a desire to know him.  Left up to grandma to care for him.  100% the choice of the family to keep him and not put him up for adoption.  That is what they wanted.  Grandma should have brought him down earlier, when he was first sick.  When she first saw the signs of the kwashiorkor.  But she did not.  She had many other grand kids to take care of.  She had to take two days out of her schedule to walk down and back up to her home.  She has to find someone to watch the other kids.  She lost two days of work in her gardens.  The things she daily deals with we do not know.  We do not know what she has to do to feed herself and those she cares for daily.  We have no idea what hunger is.  What is it like to not know how you are going to find a meal to eat each day.  We do not have to walk far to gather wood to cook with.  We do not cook on an open fire for several hours to make a meal.  We do not farm a large garden by hand, because we “have” to just to eat.   We have no idea at all.  No idea what her life is like.  


I wrote this last night and had more things to add to it.  But reread it this morning and thought what I wrote was to hard.  I deleted it.  Sometimes it just helps me to write something and then erase it.  I have several post to write but just do not have much time.  If you do not here from us know we are just really busy.  Happenings today 

  • The bed where I usually put a dead child for burial is being used for a kid on oxygen with 105 fever.  I have to find a place where the rats will not bother the body during the night.
  • TB postive lady with 3.5 hmg very ill and vomiting blood.  Trying to find a car to take her into the hosptial before she dies.
  • 4 kids on IV, several on feeding tubes.  All in bad shape.
  • trying to find a empty space in the grave yard to dig a grave, it is full and we keep hitting other graves when we dig
  • haitian customs-getting the equipement to build on our new land out and here
  • numbers are increasing again at the cholera house
  • afternoon group coming for a tour

We would appreciate your prayers today for the kids and the staff here at RHFH.  


Psalm 59:16-17

16 But I will sing of your strength,
   in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress,
   my refuge in times of trouble. 

 17 You are my strength, I sing praise to you;
   you, God, are my fortress,
   my God on whom I can rely.(thank you anna for the pics and for doing all you could for Loner) 


  1. Kayla says

    Our daughter is from HCH and Loner was at HCH for a time. I think things like this always make me reminded of how fortunate my daughter is/was. It somehow makes the reality of Haiti more real for me and reminds me that so much of Haiti is just about survival. I’m sorry for a kiddo like Loner who has missed out on some of the “comforts” of life and instead had to spend his little life with a lot of suffering. And I’m sorry for those who are here who feel so deeply the loss.

  2. kristen says

    i’m sorry. the only thing that comforts me now is that he is not suffering anymore. Bless you for having to see these things every day. Thank you for the posts and reminding us how we can be in prayer.

  3. Holly says

    I am so sorry to hear about Loner. The situation there is really so incomprehensible for us, so comfortable in the States. Thank you so much for all you do and for letting us know about it. May God give you renewed strength and courage. Praying for the whole RHFH crew and all the people you serve.

  4. Bekki says

    Licia, I am praying for you and Lori – for all the staff – for those you are ministering to. Holding back tears and trying not to ask why. Someday, we will Know. I love you guys very much.

  5. Rebecca Mexin says

    O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 118:1

    I am so sorry to hear about Loner and all the other children like him. Just comfort yourself with the thought that Loner is at the feet of Jesus. No more hunger, no more pain, and no more sickness. He will be waiting for you when you enter into heaven. What a wonderful reunion that will be!

  6. Susan says

    Prayers many times a day for you and your work. Loner is a low point in this week that is for sure. Know that while Loner is gone, he did have some of the most loving people with him at the end. I thank you for caring enough to endure.

  7. Dee says

    God bless and keep you all. Maybe you should not delete some of the things you write…the truth may be harsh, but it is the truth. We are so sheltered here in the States. You deal with the truth, God deals in the truth. We stand with you Licia…I wish we could be beside you.

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