Lori and Anna Sky Diving for More Jesus and Less Cholera


  1. Casey Zachary says

    My sister is a beast. She’s nails.

  2. Dee says

    Been waiting for this all day-what a beautiful picture!!! Bet Charly is glad to have you on the ground and close beside him again! I may be repeating myself-but YOU-Lori Moise-are AWESOME! Praise God for people like you in this world!

  3. Julie says

    She looks like she is enjoying herself and may want to jump again. :o)

  4. Rosena says

    Lori, YOU ROCK!!!!!! My dad says you’re way cool!!!!!!!!!
    My mom says “Way to go!!!” I think it’s awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Congratulations!!!! God Bless!!!! Love you, miss you, Rosena

  5. Stephanie says

    Lori, You are amazing!!! I would have been scared out of my mind. God bless you and this new ministry He is using you to fulfill!!!

  6. Mike Williams says

    Lori, I LOVE IT!! Before I was called into ministry, I was a professional pilot and early in that career I was a “Jump Pilot” and would loved to have flown your jump!!!

  7. Lynn says

    WOWZERS!!!! I can’t stop smiling! Lori: You go girl!

  8. Savannah says

    Amazing! Praise God the funds came through! That vid made me want to skydive today!!!!!!!!

  9. Bekki says

    how awesomely cool are Lori and Anna! I totally would’ve peed my pants and barfed. Lori – you are truly the Rambo Nurse and I love you so much! Can’t wait to see the hospital begin!

  10. Sharon says

    Wow Lori! That was awesome. There is absolutely no way I would ever jump out of a perfectly good airplane!! You have some guts lady!!! Big high five! I have dived (scuba) down 100 feet but no, would NEVER jump (unless pushed) from a plane!

  11. Lori W. says

    that. was. awesome. So excited for what is happening in Cazale!

  12. Sandy Kinnaman says

    So cool! Next time, you’ll want to do it solo, I’m sure!! Looked like alot of fun. I might reconsider doing it. I always wanted to but thought I had waited too long & that I was too old!!

  13. Amy says

    Awesome! I loved the video. Thanks for sharing!

  14. julie says

    so glad no one could hear my soul screech out “nonononononoNO!” on your behalf as you graciously emerged from the plane and went OUT the side. yikes! my skin’s crawling and neck hair is up. . . . truly insane. truly amazing. you are brave and inspiring.

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