Expecting great things…

The cholera house numbers have been down for several weeks now.  We are excited and thankful for that.  We know at any time the number can jump back up and we are preparing for that by stocking up on supplies and continuing our plans for the new cholera hospital.  In the last several weeks we have had many sick kids and adults that have passed through the clinic.

Many of you do not know this but our medical clinic started out 17 years ago.  It was my mom and 2 Haitian employees.  They worked out of two rooms that had one table and two chairs.  That my friends is how it all started. No electric, no shelves, no running water, but a lot of love.  We find ourselves overwhelmed many day with lots of patients.  We work hard.  We see everyone that comes to the clinic.  We put in long hours.  We love what we do.  But we also get tired.  We get weary.  We wish for a bigger facility. 

We currently have to many sick people and not enough space.  We are sticking people in supply rooms, and any space that we can find to treat them.  Every single on of them are thankful.  They tell us over and over again that they are treated well.  We are happy about that and sad at the same time. 

 How can offering someone a cot in you storage supply area make them so happy.  It makes me think how they have been treated at other places.  That makes me sad.  We seemed to offer something so simply but it means so much to them.

These last weeks have been overwhelming with so many sick kids.  We have lost a few, but many have recovered.  I sit and think how much God loves us that He sent Paul and Dr Jen here to help me care for so many.  They have done an excellent job.  They treat my staff and the sick with so much respect. We at RHFH appreciate that.  It means so much to us and them.  I feel so strong this week that great things are coming.  Things that will blow us away, those things that we only know that God can do.  Walking on the land that we have and thinking what can happen in this coming year gives me goosebumps.  We are committed to this place for life.


Will you join me this evening in prayer for those that are ill?  Will you join me in prayer about the future and building for RHFH.  Will you believe with me?  Our God is so big and I know that I know that I know that He can do it.  We will someday soon have a place where we can house all these patients that we love so much.


  1. Nicole says

    Praying and believing with you… God can and will!!! Now we just get to sit back and watch him do his thing.

  2. Caroline says

    love this, love y’all and praying with you for BIG things!

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