Work being done on the new land

Dad has been working the last two weeks up on the new land.  He is pushing and moving dirt.  We have a long, long way to go but we are making progress.

He is currently working on a section that will be used for the new cholera hospital.

pic taken in 2009


Once we get some more work done we can better see where the facility will sit and how to best use the space there.

Aug 2011


massive rock wall in a ravine

Will you continue to pray for God’s direction in the planning for the future buildings for us and the community of Cazale.


  1. Jacob Wade says

    I hate sounding cliché, but your faith is moving mountains. Continue the good work. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Anna K says

    WHAAAT! where is that last pic, i dont even recognize it!!!

  3. Benita says

    Knowing your dad, I know he has had a blast shoving all that dirt around.

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