Gettin’ ‘er done

A wonderful team from Indiana has been here for several days.  They are on their way back home today so please pray for safe travels for them.  These four men did a wonderful job!  They worked very hard and got lots done.  We thank our Heavenly Father that He would direct some of His servants to join us here in this work.  All for His glory!

God is answering prayers and opening doors for this cholera hospital.  There has been a spike in cases over the last week, but things are under control.  Many are predicting a surge in the coming months and we want to be ready.  God is sending people and organizations that want to join us in this battle against cholera – donors, builders, architects, encouragers, people searching for supplies, planners, people hosting fund raisers.  God knows that we need help and He is sending it.  We believe it and are seeing it.  It is so humbling to be at the receiving end of God’s miracles and blessings.  Will you believe and pray for the completion of a 100-bed facility that will help care for Haitians for years to come?  Will you prayerfully consider what you should be doing to make this a reality?  If God is urging you to get involved, do it.  These guys did!  Thanks for answering His call and for all your hard work and long days.  Much appreciated!  Respè!

Gathering rocks for “mi sek” (rock walls) for stabilization

They are placed as close as possible to the site were they are building the wall….

….by one of the great operators working here this week.

Then, the rocks are rolled down and arranged to form the wall in the ravine.  This helps slow down the rain run-off and collect dirt.  Over time, these are filled and become solid supports.  There are several of these already built on the property to support the building site.  There is another one to the upper left of where the guys are working.  Charles is planning and preparing to start planting vetiver and trees around the site to further help stabilize the area.

Here is another example of a rock retaining wall.

Pastor Jim (white shirt) discusses things and works out a plan for the day.  Pastor Jim has been instrumental in helping us find, purchase, and transport all of the heavy equipment from Indiana to Haiti.  He made sure each piece was in tip-top shape so that when it arrived it could roll off the ship and be ready to work.  Many, many thanks to Pastor Jim!!

Dirt is pushed where it is needed.

Then, sprayed down with water.

In December, Jeremy rigged up the water current system.  There is a pump (thanks Bob and Dee) that can pump water from the river into the tank.  They drive it up on the land and then pump the water back out.  This system works, but is Plan B – as they say.  Plan A was that we originally wanted to do this with a water truck.  We’ve been trying to get it down here for several months.  Paperwork caused delays, but hopefully it will be out of customs and here in Cazale later this week.

After the ground is saturated, the vibrating roller compacts the soil.

The boys do their own compaction of the dirt…… and a few peel outs too.  A boy’s dream, huh!  There’s not too many places in Cazale with this much flat space to ride free.  🙂

This is the site!  An architect visited over the weekend and said that the area is getting close to being ready to build.  How exciting!  Thank you Lord!  To Him be ALL the Glory!


  1. Heather Puckett says

    It looks so beautiful!

  2. Dee says

    I love the two-wheelin’,spin-out compacters the best-but I still bet the noise level of both types are about the same! 😉 God bless you all!

  3. Dervin says

    Praise the Lord! It is great to see the progress to the site since I was there…

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