Family wedding

Enoch’s older brother has been dating a lady for 20 years now and decided this year it was time to get married.  They asked all the kids to participate in the wedding.  Ameyah got to wear a long white dress, with a long veil.  The boys each had to walk with a girl and do a little dance while walking to the front of the church.  Henley was very worried and wanted to make sure we were not tricking him into getting married 🙂  They did great and we had a lovely day together with Enoch’s family.  It was a blessing to be apart of the celebration.

I am blessed to have a wonderful relationship with Enoch’s family.  They make me feel such apart of their family life and has always been a huge part of our lives.
















  1. kathy says

    They are all so handsome and you have a little beauty on your hands too!

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