New admits from last week


She weighs in at 74 pounds.  She has been sick for over a year and just not doing well.  She went this week for test and we should find out the result soon and figure out a plan for treatment for her.


She came in this past week with a terrible infected hand.  After talking for awhile we found out her husband had bit her.  She is staying with us and getting IV meds every 6 hours.  Her hand is a mess of infection and we are praying that she begins to heal soon. 


She is 2 years old and weighs 18 pounds 12 ounces.  She has 8 siblings at home.  This is her second time with kwashiorkor.  She is currently on the medika mamba program. 


He is 19 months old and weighs 18 pounds 4 ounces.  He was admitted with a very high fever and a mild case of kwashiorkor.  He is currently on the medika mamba program.


He is 13 months old and weighs 24 pounds.  His mom died of cholera about 2 months ago.  Grandma has been taking care of him since then.  He is his fathers only child.  The dad has been working and not seen him for about 1 month.  He was very sad when he saw how sick he was.  He has a severe case of kwashiorkor and is fighting of an infection.  He is eating well and is currently on the medika mamba program


She is 2 years old and weighs 21 pounds 6 ounces.  Her mom died of cholera about 1 year ago.  She has been staying with her aunt  since then.  She has one other living sibling that is staying with another family member.  She is currently on the medika mamba program.


Her mom came to the clinic 2 weeks ago.  She had just tested TB positive and had begun her treatment.  She went home and died the next day.  Grandma does not feel like she can take care of Chalineda when she is a baby and deal with the other children that are older.  We will care for her until she is walking and eating solid foods.  This will enable grandma to care for the older kids and be able to work at the same time. 


  1. erin says

    God bless the hands and hearts that love each of these children. Just in how you speak of them your holy love shines through. My prayer is to come one day and be a pair of hands that might provide you rest. Until then I will continue to offer my meager financial support and my prayers each day.

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