Patient of the Month: Can you help?

E.D. is a 64 year old woman living in Cazale, the village where the clinic is located. She has had 12 kids – 6 are living, 6 have died. Her first husband died several years ago. Her second husband has recently lost one of his eyes. He had surgery to remove it, but they have yet to fit him with an artificial eye. His condition makes it difficult to work as a farmer as he has done his whole life. When E.D. was younger, she used to make food to sell in the market and in front of her house, but most of her life was caring for her children. Even though she and her husband weren’t able to go to school, they made it a priority to put all their children in school. They also attend a local church here in the village.

She lives in a 3 room house with a porch that is made of rock and clay with a tin roof and they have an outhouse. The oldest two kids have moved out. One lives in Chile and works in agriculture there. The other lives with an aunt in a larger city going to high school. So it is E.D., her husband, and their four kids living in the house.

At the beginning of this year, she noticed changes in her body that just weren’t normal and came to the clinic. A PAP test revealed abnormal cells in her cervix and she was referred to a larger facility. After many tests, they recommend a hysterectomy. She has covered all the costs up until now, but finds the cost of surgery a bit overwhelming. With the cancer progressing, she has reached out to ask for help and we are hopeful that RHFH supporters will respond.

We have agreed that she will cover half of the surgery and RHFH will cover the other half – $387.00. Please consider helping E.D. fight cervical cancer and return to good health. You can give through this paypal link or by sending a check to RHFH, 15215 Endeavor Dr, Noblesville, IN 46060 with “surgery fund – E.D.” in the memo. Thank you for your compassionate and caring heart!


  1. Julie Pederson says

    Dear E.D. I pray that very very soon you can get the surgery you need and that God will heal you completely.

  2. Sheree Slagle says

    I am so blessed to share in meeting your need! You will be in my prayers!!

  3. Lori says

    Yes and Amen! Thank you!

  4. Lori says

    Thank You!! We’ll give an update when we have one.

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