Can you help save this boy’s leg?

In 2013, C.L. had a cement block fall on his right calf.  His mother didn’t have enough money to take him to the hospital to get it checked out and hoped it would heal.  It didn’t.  In fact, infection set in and she tried to nurse him back to health.  His leg seemed to get better, but it was never the same.

When he first came to us earlier this year, his leg was extremely swollen and infected.  The leg wound was drained and packed during daily dressing changes.  This along with heavy antibiotics cleared it up after about 4 months.  His leg healed and he seemed to be doing well for about two months.  Unfortunately, this past week he and his mom came to the clinic with bad news.  His leg was starting to swell again and had a couple of open areas.  We sent him to the hospital the next day to see if there was infection in the bone and what could be done for him.

The doctor verified the bone infection (osteomyelitis) and noted that it is severe and complex.  He recommended multiple surgeries and a 2-3 week stay in the hospital in an attempt to save his leg.  We agree and are thankful that the doctor has been so willing to help and communicating so well with us and his mother.  As this is urgent, he recommended beginning surgery and treatment this week. 

This first phase will cost $680 for the surgery and around $150-200 hospital bed (depending on how long he will be there).  Since he will need additional funds for medications, food and transport, the goal would be to raise $1000 to cover most of the costs for this boy and his mom.  The doctors are unsure of what might be needed in the future and will likely know more after this first surgery. 

Please consider donating to save this boy’s leg and get it healed up.  Thank you for your generosity and compassion!   


  1. Michael says

    I really think you could reach your goal faster if you user Kickstarter or another donation platform as well! They just have so much more exposure I’m afraid this might get lost as this site is obscure to most people ! Definitely collect here but I strongly urge you to make a kickstarter account on their website as well !!!

  2. Michelle Crawford says

    I would like to send a check as opposed to paying online. Is there an address where I can send it? I appreciate your help.

  3. Lori says

    Yes Michelle, you can send a check made out to RHFH to RHFH, 15215 Endeavor Drive, Noblesville, IN 46060. Make sure that you write CL surgery fund in the memo or on a note enclosed. THANK YOU!

  4. Lori says

    Thanks Michael, we’ll look into this and keep it in mind.

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