Villager’s View-Lamy

My name is Maricia. I am the mother of Danicia who is in the medika mamba program at RHFH. I was born and raised in the village of Lamy and still live there now. There is not much to do in Lamy. There are 2 schools, one is a government

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Guest Post – Volunteer Holly

So Many. There are so many stories in life. We all have a story, every one of us. Our story makes us into the person we are. Have you listened to the stories of others? Have you told your story? When I am here in Haiti………..there are many stories. Some

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Bible Study update

Chaplains Maturin, Sylio, and Espeson are each currently holding a weekly Bible Study class. They all started in January and have been going strong for several weeks now. Mathurin is teaching out of a book called “The Good News Concerning Jesus” that has 16 people in the class that range

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Kreyol verse – Ròm ch8 v18-19 (Romans 8:18-19)

Ròm ch8 v18-19Pou mwen, nou pa ka konpare sa n’ap soufri koulye a ak bèl bagay Bondye pral fè nou wè yo.Tout kreyasyon Bondye a ap tann konsa kilè pitit Bondye yo va parèt. Romans 18:18-19For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the

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