Victory and Failure

J. M. is a 7 year old boy who presented to clinic in respiratory distress. He was breathing 60 times a minute and his peripheral oxygen saturation was 84%. He was agitated and panicked. He had crackles on lung exam which can indicate fluid in the lungs known as pulmonary

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New Admits

ANSELOT Anselot was referred to us from another clinic nearby.  He has been having signs of kwashiorkor for about one month now.  This is his first time with kwashiorkor.  He has been sick for about 2 months with fever, cold, and diarrhea.  He has 2 other brothers at home and

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Imagine that you are working in your garden. You’ve been working in your garden all day, it’s now mid- afternoon. Your family depends on the produce from the garden for food. You start having some chest discomfort. You get heartburn from time to time and don’t think much of it.

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Clinic Review: January 2018

Total consultations: 1707 >14yrs old: 1008 0-14yrs old:  699 Malnutrition 0-5yrs:  519 Total children seen 0-5yrs: 208 % of children malnourished in Jan: 40% Tested for malaria:  10 (3 positive and treated) Amount of dressings done:  295 Emergencies: 31 Children admitted to outpatient RUTF (PlumpyNut) program: 8 Children graduated program:

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Cazale is beautiful

  Cazale is blessed to have a river that flows through the valley and the middle of the village. During the dry season, the water from the river is used for irrigation. Each farmer that owns land along the irrigation system takes a day or two to clean the portion

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