Burial cost for Yvane needed

Our friend Yvane died this past week.  You can read her story here and here.  We would like to be able to help her family out with some of the cost of her burial.  She will be buried early this coming week and the service will be at her home church.

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Rose Darline

    Rose Darline passed away on Friday. She was admitted for severe acute malnutrition this summer but also had congenital heart disease, which was likely the cause of her malnutrition. Her congenital heart disease was correctable with surgery, but cardiac surgery is not performed in Haiti. She was on

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Opportunity to serve at Real Hope for Haiti-office intern

The RHFH team in Cazale is excited to announce that we are looking for one or two individuals to come and serve with us, starting in Dec/Jan 2017! They could be an individual, two complete strangers, two friends, or a married couple. There is just one job description posted below.

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Our Newbies

Beatrice is 20 months old and was referred to us by Children’s Health Ministries for severe malnutrition. She was admitted to ICU after she was brought in to the clinic by her Step grandmother after she was abandoned by her parents. The step grandmother took her to CHM due to

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Mamba Grads!!

Medical Mamba is a highly nutritional peanut butter. Each pack has 500 calories, is high in protein and fortified with vitamins and minerals necessary for children’s proper growth and development. When a patient come to the clinic with malnutrition, they are placed on our outpatient medical Mamba program. If a

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