Thank you Love-A-Child!

We are always happy to partner with other organizations here in Haiti that are doing good work to bring the love of God to the Haitian people in word and action. Love-A-Child is one such organization with which we enjoy teaming up with.  They generously distribute boxes of Feed My

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New admits

DIEUVENSKLY He is 17 months old and weighs 14 pounds.  His mother left him with his grandma (her mother) when he was 10 months old.  Grandma says the mom went to find work in the DR and she has not heard from her since then.   She also left 4

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Summertime Smiles in the Rescue Center

It’s late August and it’s HOT.  We are all sweating…a lot. BUT It’s never too hot to smile!  A game of peek-a-boo certainly brings out the giggles. Practicing their crawling skills is serious…seriously fun! How encouraging it is to see recovering kids be able to run and act silly! During

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Loving Savior, Too many times, Lord, when I see a dream die, I allow dissappointment to engulf me. I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing, and it’s so much easier to give up than try again. Too many times, Lord, when it seems that I’m only spinning

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Words from Gretchen

Knit Together In Love – letter to thanks to supporters (around Fall 1995) In Haiti, there is a phrase, “Pa mache deye.  Pa mache devan.  Jis mache bo kout m epitou vin zanmi m.” (Yes, we are learning the language more – our classes are helping!)  Anyway, the phrase means,

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Backpacks and school sponsorship

It is that time of year again.  We are busy each week meeting with children from the school sponsorship program.  They come with their report cards from the past year and get pictures taken for the sponsors.  We are gearing up for this coming school year.  They are a few

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