Oh, Baby!

If we are going to have a crazy day here at RHFH, it typically will happen on a Tuesday.  Tuesdays are the first clinic day after the weekend as well as Cazale’s market day, meaning lots of extra people in the neighborhood.  If anything odd happens, it’s no surprise that it happens on

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New admits from last week

AURIELLE She weighs in at 74 pounds.  She has been sick for over a year and just not doing well.  She went this week for test and we should find out the result soon and figure out a plan for treatment for her. DIANA She came in this past week

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You can read about Felix here.  He was a man that had a hard life.  He was 52 pounds when we found him.   He had TB.  He did not take his meds for several months.  He got very sick.  We tried all that we knew how to do.  We talked

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A new baby girl

  This little baby was abandoned in the clinic yard last week.  It is hard in our minds to understand this.  We have had kids over the years left in the yard and outside the gate, but I have never had a child’s parent leave a note with the baby.  Many

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Worship Wednesday: Allow the Peace of God to Guard You

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known until God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,

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2 more needs for the semi container

Some one sent this link for some neat pillow case shorts for boys.  The kids seem to be always low of shorts.  I really love this pillowcase dresses and am sure I will love the shorts as well.  I would also like to be able to have some fun times with the

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