The Past Week Up On the Mountain

Construction on the new cholera facility is progressing nicely.  Tropical Storm Isaac caused a few issues that needed attention, but construction was not slowed down because of it.  Here is a look at the past week’s work: All the concrete is mixed, shoveled into buckets, and carried to it’s place to

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We met our goal!!

We wrote a post here of our need for funds for medications that were offered to RHFH at a HUGE discount.  Together YOU have done it!  In just 9 days we met our goal!  Thank you so much for helping us to reach our goal and to be able to

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New patients at RHFH

This is Mirlande.  She is years 27 years old .  She currently has 4 living children and 3 that have died.  Shortly after her last pregnancy she became very ill.  She has had swelling, fatigue, and is always out of breath all the time.  We are currently treating her for

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Fantastic Toys for Little Girls and Boys!

Kids love toys.  That’s a no-brainer, right?  Playing with toys means having fun, no doubt; but toys can also be used to help a child develop in many different ways.  Cognitive, emotional, physical, social….all areas that benefit within a child from playtime with toys. RHFH has a new goal for

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We need another teacher for the kids!!

I posted this post in April 2012.  We were in need of a teacher for the RHFH kids.  We found a WONDERFUL teacher to fill the need for us.  Meredith has already begun the school year for the kids.  We are all very excited to see the kids learn and

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