Nou sonje Nerenel

It does not get any easier to bury a child that has died.   There are some days that it gets harder. Nerenel had been with us for 8 months.  His dad brought him into the clinic and told us he did not want to eat.  He was swollen with kwashiorkor and was

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Sewing need

Anyone looking for a sewing project?  I would love to have some little blankets like the one in the picture below.  They are put inside the caskets for the children that have died in the rescue center.  Any color will do.  Interested or want more details, email me at

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You can read Sodlyne’s story  here Sodlyne has been here at the RC for over 1 year.  She was very sick and needed to take medication each day for 1 year.  She is healed and through with her medications and went home this past week.  Will you pray that she

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Guest blogger Graham Sowa

You can read the first part of Grahams paper here a. definition and types of nutritional failure Nutritional failure can have three general causes:  1) Deficiency of total caloric and protein intake (clinically manifested as marasmus), 2) Deficiency of protein intake only (clinically manifested as kwashiorkor), or 3) a combination

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New kids in the RC

Wow~it has been several days since the last post.  Believe me we have not been sitting around in the Caribbean sun taking a break 🙂  We have had lots of sick kids and adults with us.  It takes several hours out of our day just to give meds and make

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Fun in the Sun :)

We took off last week for a 30 hour break.  It was great and we had a really good time together as a family.  It was relaxing and fun 🙂 The kids with Enoch The kids with me pool fun The rock star yes Trey is wearing Ameyah’s pink floaties

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