We will not forget you Ayiti!

Please join us and the country of Haiti in prayer today.  It is a day of  sorrow, grief, thanksgiving and so many memories.  Please do not give up hope.  Is Haiti Hopeless? We have not forgotten you Picture review from the last two years

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End of the year report for food boxes

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” – Mother Teresa  Believing the problem is to big is not an option.  Doing nothing is not an option.  Doing something with what you have is the answer.  If we look and the HUGE problem we will get discouraged

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End of the year report for school sponsorship

Many years ago, I believe in was in 2004, we started the school sponsorship program.  A very dear friend of ours named Carrie was in charge of the Sunday school department at her church.  She wanted the children to get involved in missions.  Together we came up with sending this

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Worship Wednesday…Take Time to Sharpen Your Blade

Last week I wrote of the importance of Scripture reading. I believe prayer is an equally essential and necessary component for cultivating a healthy life and progressing towards spiritual maturity. Prayer is complicatedly simple. Frustratingly refreshing. It is one of the hardest easiest things for me to do. Too often

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Year in Report for Medika Mamba

We have been using the product Medika Mamba since May 2009.  This product is made here in Haiti by Meds and Food for Kids.  It tastes really good and the kids love it.  World Wide Village came out to Cazale in 2008 and asked what they could do to help

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