
These hands belong to four sisters.  There is another sister that is not with us yet.  We are trying to get her here.  These four girl ages 14, 12, 8 and 6 have been through a lot already in their lives.  In this past year both their parents died.  They

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Guest Post from RHFH Visitor Courtney Schnetz…

One week in Haiti. One week of intense heat, intense work, and intense realities. But most of all, one week of intense love. I don’t hesitate to say that this one week impacted my life, challenged me, and most definitely changed me. There are many things God opened my eyes

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Two needs

  These test strips are a simple tool to check blood sugar levels and we are getting low.   We use these eachday for the malnourished children and diabetic patients that RHFH serves.  You can click on this link at Walmart.  Scroll down to “find a wish list” and type in first

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Equipment operators needed

REPOST~We still have dates opened from Feb 18th thru March 15th Know how to operate a vibratory roller…. CAT 416B backhoe…. D6 dozer….. or maybe even drive a dump truck……….. Would you like to help make some dreams of the RHFH family start coming true?  We are looking for teams

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Artist for Hope

Artist for Hope has been and continues to do great things for the community of Cazale and the children in the Rescue Center.  They are having an open house tonight and will be selling lots of items made by people right here in Cazale. If you live in the Ohama,

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