answer the question, dude – delayed version

by Lori, the procrastinator Though my answers are a bit later than Licia’s, I hope that you’ll forgive me. We’ve heard less about the cholera outbreak in Haiti. Does this mean it is not as big of a problem as it was? Though our decreasing numbers are following the national

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School sponsorship

by:Enoch and Licia Real Hope for Haiti started a school sponsorship program many years ago.   It has grown to around 130 children.  These kids are mostly from the village of Cazale.  All are in need.  We could have over 1000 kids on this program if we had the funding and

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Jacob teaching

Jacob was visiting RHFH this past week.  He is an EMT and taught several classed on basic first aid to those in the area. Choking and the Heimlich maneuver with Trey. Riclane, the head of the RC, is practicing on Jacob stop, drop, roll basic CPR broken bones and fractures

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