Please pray for Charlie…

Today was another tough day here in Haiti. Lori’s husband Charlie was in an accident in the nearby town of Cabaret. He was riding a motorcycle when a car without light slammed on their brakes and hit them. The motorcycle driver broke his foot. Zach, Enoch and Lori all went

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Nou sonje ou Gran!

Today Madame Zach would have been 65 years old.  She left us here 6 years ago to go home to heaven.  We all miss her very, very much.  I want to share a story with you today about her.  She was very close to Carmelo, her first grandchild.  She read

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Two thirds of our bodies weight and nine tenths of its volume is water. That is why water essential for life. People can survive for up to two months without food, but die within three days without water A person needs about 5 litres of water each day for cooking

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Believe it or not

I have been checking the blog three or four times a day hoping that Casey would give me something.  I am sad today there is nothing here, so very sad. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Look how one week of medika mamba can change a kid.  Amazing!

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by :Licia I am missing Missions Monday post (to keep me in focus), Saturday snacks post (for all the great links), Worship Wednesday (for great words from Jesus to keep me going), Chant Deperance songs (to hear the beautiful songs) and other great post by my little bro.  I miss you

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Summer fun

Boys having fun this summer….. playing with Lori’s cat learning to share cookies with your brother knocking keneps out of tree with a curtain rod playing “hockey” with a curtain rod and avacado running, running and running oh, you thought I was only talking about my boys…well we do have

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