A tidbit of clinic this week

by:Licia This little baby came in this week.  She was/is very ill.  She is having problems breathing, high fevers and other complications.  But….she has been in good hands with Dr. Jen since yesterday afternoon.  We are so thankful once again for her to offer her time and skills here at

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Ameyah and Madelene

by:Licia Ameyah is 6 months old today! And Madelene graduated from the medika mamba program this week. Madelene the first day here-in case you forgot what she looked like (below) Psalm 34:1-3 (The Message)  1 I bless God every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise.  2 I live

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by:Licia We want to thank Love-A-Child for their continued donations to RHFH.  This month we were able to bless 140 of our families on the food box program with a blue water storage container and pasta.  This was a extra blessing to them and everyone was thankful. CAM (Christian Aid Ministries)

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Worship Wednesday: Reflections on Isaiah 58

By: Casey Zachary Isaiah 58 Real Hope for Haiti’s foundational verse for live and ministry is Isaiah 58:7. In order to take a deeper look at this verse, I thought it would be helpful to consider the larger context in which it is found, Isaiah chapter 58. As I studied

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Remembering them…..

by:Licia These 7 kids below all used to be with me.  They used to be a part of me.  God sent them into my life for a time.  I had the honor and privilege to able to love them and know them.  They all have families now.  They have left

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Matthew 5:1-11: The Beatitudes…in Kreyol

[chirbit:http://chirb.it/LfJnmy] Matthew 5:1-11 in English Matye 5 1¶ Lè Jezi wè foul moun yo, li moute sou yon mòn. Li chita. Disip li yo pwoche bò kote l’. 2Li tanmen moutre moun yo anpil bagay. Li di yo: 3¶ Benediksyon pou moun ki konnen se pòv yo ye devan Bondye,

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