The planting has started! Happy May 1st!

The rainy season had started here in our area and the so the mountains are open for planting! We have been growing vetiver in the clinic yard for a year now.  About every 3 months we can plant what has grown and replant new starts. Vetiver grass is amazing. The

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Top 5 Posts of April…

RHFH’s newest staff missionary Jess Lehman-For Such a Time As This Cholera Continues He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted-Job 5:9 CLINIC: Remember this guy? (password is clinic) A Gift of 1400 trees

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Saturday Morning Snack…

A Forbes article calling for an entrepreneurial revolution in Haiti. President Elect Martelly is generating some buzz with a proposal to increase certain taxes in an effort to fund education throughout the country. The three major telecommunications companies apparently agreed to add a $0.05/ minute surcharge to international calls that

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Gathering Seeds

On Saturday, the community group went searching for seeds and we found lots!  These will be planted in sacks in our nursery and the seedlings replanted on the barren mountain sides surrounding Cazale.  During the drought/dry season, the tree sheds all it’s leaves.  When the rains come again, the leaves

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Worship Wednesday: MC Hammer was right…

MC Hammer was right about parachute pants. He was also right about the fact that we got to pray just to make it today. Prayer is exceedingly important to all of us as believers. RHFH is grateful to so many of you who faithfully pray for us. Your prayers for

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Haitian Hymn: Chants D’Esperance #17 en Kreyol

[chirbit:] Mouin byen kontan ké Papa mouin nan siél           I am very happy that my Father in heaven Palé nan liv li, pou di’m li rinmin-m                        Talks in His book, to tell me He

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