Saturday Morning Snack…

Jess Lehman, a treasure of a volunteer and friend to RHFH this past year, blogs about a young girl named Marlene and her time at the RHFH Rescue Center. US Ambassador to Haiti, Kenneth Merten, offers his assessment of the current state of Haiti in this op-ed for the Washington

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I am Yours Lord

By: Licia I am Yours Lord, You have wonderfully made and equipped me.  I was created to walk in faith, so I will always trust You.  I am a product of Your love, so I will love even under the most trying Circumstances. I will endure because Jesus lives in

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Update on Madelene

by:Licia Psalm 116:3-4 3 The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came over me; I was overcome by distress and sorrow. 4 Then I called on the name of the LORD: “LORD, save me!” Psalm 141:8 8 But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign LORD;

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Psalm 23 Read from a Haitian Bible

Listen to the Scripture read in Kreyol [chirbit:] The Lord Is My Shepherd 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. 3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness

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My mom and our trip to the USA!

We were doing some deep cleaning this week and came across a folder that was from my mom.  She was always clipping and saving little saying and poems that she liked.  I hope over the weeks to come we can share some of these with you.  We are aware that

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