Happy Birthday Lori!

By: Licia Betor Most of you do not know this, but I was born 2 days before Lori’s first birthday.  We are the same age for two days of the year.  So today we want to wish Lori a very Happy Birthday! She has been working all day doing dressing

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Links to Look Over

By: Casey Zachary A nice article written about the benefit of donating to small, grassroots organizations like RHFH. A discussion as to how the recent Cholera Outbreak is impacting the already less than adequate food production in Haiti. Last official count I saw was 3,333 dead from cholera. Troubling reports

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Missions Monday: William Carey

By: Casey Zachary William Carey lived from 1761-1834 and served as a missionary to India. He is often referred to as the “Father of Modern Missions” was his life and ministry in many ways inaugurated the “Great Century” of missionary outreach. Carey was born into poverty and became an apprentice

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It is time to party like it is 1975…

By: Jess Lehman and Anna Kagstrom Happy 36th Birthday to Elicia Betor!!!! We (Anna and Jess) have broken onto the blog in order to notify you of this important day. Please please please leave an encouraging birthday message for our friend Licia. We would love to see record breaking comments

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