
Gang violence is causing significant unrest in Haiti and people are fleeing from their homes. Often without any notice, they just run for their lives. I have seen numerous patients in clinic over the last several months in this situation. Multiple patients who ran for their lives and did not

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Villagers View~Grand Fond #2

From a member of the village~ We work the earth and look after animals in our area. We have animals like goats, chickens, pigs and cows that we sell for meat. We also have horses, donkeys, and mules that help us in our work. They carry heavy loads back and

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You Are My Sunshine

Petterson is a 3 year old boy who came to clinic at the beginning of this month with sores all over his body. He also had a high fever. Many of these sores where small ulcers with an island of black necrotic tissue in the middle. He stayed with his

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