
A 71 year old man came to clinic last week because he needed dressing changes for a wound in his back and chest. He had taken his cow out to pasture. He took a machete with him to cut branches for his cow to eat. A man with a gun

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Real Hope Academy presents…Gretchen Ruth Zachary!

Fast Facts: Age -11Grade – 5thBirthplace – Tacoma, Washington Marvelous Modifiers: FunnyCreativeAmazing Fun Favorites: Subject- Bible – because you learn about God.Sport- soccerHaitian Meal – bouliyonNickname – Willis – because when I’m not making sense my Mom calls me that. Hi , this is Gretchen you are reading about, so

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1 Jan ch1 v9 (1 John 1:9)

1 Jan ch1 v9 Men, si nou rekonèt devan Bondye nou fè peche, nou mèt gen konfyans nan li. Paske l’ap fè sak gen pou fèt la: la padonnen tout peche nou yo, la netwaye nou anba tou sa ki mal. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he

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