A Good Heart
C.J. is an 8 year old girl with a very loud heart murmur. She was referred to a cardiologist more than 4 months ago for an echocardiogram to determine the cause of the heart murmur. But her mother has not taken her due to gang activity on the roads. She
Haitian Recipe: Plantain Chips (Papita)
Here in Cazale, we don’t have always have access to that crunchy, salty snack of potato chips. In fact, potatoes are expensive most of the time as they aren’t grown well in our area and must be brought in. Plantains are more readily available and can be prepared in many
Guest blog post from K.
It is a blessing for me to be able to share with you about my involvement with RHFH. I first became aware of RHFH in 2010 after the earthquake. I was helping another NGO with needs from the earthquake. One day we went to visit RHFH. We saw the clinic,
Villager’s View – Cadette
Cadette is an area connected to Cazale but a bit further behind the village on the way up the mountain. Those in the area are proud to describe their village as a group of people that help each other as they can. The two main ways people make a living