Kids in the ICU
These past few month we have seen an increase in our inpatient admits. We are seeing many cases of malnutrition in the clinic as well. Please continue to lift Haiti and the children and their families up in prayer.
Kreyol verse: Jòb ch1 v21
Jòb ch1 v21Epi li di: -San anyen m’ soti nan vant manman m’. San anyen m’ap tounen anba tè. Seyè a bay! Seyè a pran! Lwanj pou Seyè a! Job 1:21And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the
Staff Spotlight – Juliette
Nurse Juliette first started working in the clinic in May 2015 in the wound care/emergency room, where she continues to work. During cholera spikes, she would help care for these patients as well in the cholera treatment center (CTC). Her shifts are 6a-6p or 6p-6a. She usually has 3 to
Effects of Chronic Malnutrition
Chronic malnutrition is defined as a form of growth failure that causes both physical and cognitive delays in growth and development. This is a condition that develops when children do not eat the correct balance of nutrients in the first 1,000 days of life (from conception to the age of two),