Physical Therapy Please!
Jalot is a 12 year old boy who came to clinic in September 2019 with a wound on his left foot. He had a club foot and often walked on the side of his foot/ hopped on his good leg. The foot wound appeared chronic and required daily wound care
How can you help with “Planting Hope” in Cazale?
Our Great God brought us to Haiti 27 years ago. Many of you helped launch us then. Others of you found us after the 2010 earthquake or during the cholera epidemic. The rest of you found us by the Lord crossing our paths at some point along the way. Infinite
New Admits to the Rescue Center
Wideneline was brought to the clinic by her mother. Her weight for height is 2 standard deviations below the average for Haitian children. She has been coming in the clinic on and off for about 1 year. Two weeks before she was admitted she began showing signs of kwashiorkor. She was