Cholera update – January to June 2016

Cholera came to Cazale in November 2010 and since that time we have cared for 11331 pts.  There have been 28359 hospitalized nights that makes the average hospital stay 2.5 nights per pt. From Jan-Jun 2016, there have been 1048 pts that have sought dehydration treatment at the cholera center.  There

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Staff Spotlight – Magdala

Magdala is a nurse who currently works in the clinic doing consultations and reporting.  She has also worked taking blood pressures, doing dressing changes, and in the cholera center.  She works Tuesday to Friday and has been working since Dec 2009. She was born in Port-au-Prince, but her parents soon

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New Admits to the Rescue Center

GERVENS He is 2 years old and weighed 20 pounds when admitted.  He lost 2 pounds of “water weight” from his kwashiorkor.  He was also admitted with a fever and diarrhea.  He has 1 bother and 0 sisters.  The family lives with extended family (13 people) in a four room

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A glimpse of Cazale


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Clinic Review – June 2016

birth to 1 yr = 356 1-4 yrs = 572 5-14 yrs = 383 15-24 yrs = 309 family planning = 55 pregnant women = 309 other adults = 1102 TOTAL = 3086 emergencies = 43 sutures = 28 burns = 4 1st trimester = 29 2nd trimester = 138

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