Staff Perspective

Hello, my name is Pascal, and I’ve been working at RHFH since 2012. Throughout my time here, I’ve encountered many remarkable individuals, but the story of Ti Levi has always stood out to me. Ti Levi was one of the first patients at the nutrition center, long before I began

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Manyen (massage)

In Haiti, the term “Manyen” means “touch” or “massage” in Creole, and it carries deep cultural significance, especially in remote areas where access to modern medical care is limited. Manyen is more than just a physical touch; it’s a therapeutic practice deeply rooted in the traditions of Haitian herbal medicine.

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Akamil: A Lifesaving Nutritional Staple in Haiti

In Haiti, Akamil is more than just food; it’s a critical part of the fight against malnutrition. This nutritious porridge is made from a blend of locally grown grains—typically a mix of corn, millet, and beans. These ingredients are ground into a fine powder and then cooked to create a

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Insects in Cazale

Insects play a vital role in Haiti’s ecosystem and economy, supporting agriculture, biodiversity, and cultural practices. Pollinators like bees and butterflies are crucial for crops, while decomposers like ants and beetles help maintain soil health. Predatory insects naturally control pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. Insects also contribute to

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