Food Box need for April and May

by:Licia I wanted you to see some of the families that receive food boxes every two weeks from RHFH.  These are families from the local village. Many families have several generations living together. There are many elderly that live by themselves and have no family to help them. We so

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Romans 12:9-18

Love must be honest and true.  Hate what is evil.  Hold on to what is good.  Love each other deeply.  Honor others more than yourselves.  Never let the fire in your heart go out.  Keep it alive.  Serve the Lord.  When you hope, be joyful.  When you suffer, be patient. 

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update on the WMD

Until the WMD grows we are using other methods to win. Round  RHFH takes all – okay we got one and this is a small one round 2 they give it right back to us and eat a nice juicy watermelon. 

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