Words from Gretchen

We found this prayer (bulletin insert) tucked away in her special notebook. Dear God, I am not sure where I am going. I do not see the road ahead. I cannot be certain where it will end. I do not really know myself. Sometimes I fool myself pretending to follow

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Faithful in Prayer

…pray for one another so that you may be healed… Your prayers are powerful and effective. These five people have requested special prayer for their difficult situations. Pray believing for God to move mightily in the lives of your brothers and sisters in Christ here in Haiti.  He is more than able to

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Kreyol: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

1 Korint 16:13-14 13 Pa bliye kò nou. Kenbe fèm nan konfyans nou. Mete kouraj sou nou. Pa moutre nou fèb. 14 Se pou nou fè tout bagay avèk renmen nan kè nou. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (translated from Kreyol) Do not forget yourselves (your bodies).  Hold fast (hold firm) in your faith.  Put courage

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