Worship Wednesday: The Unseen is More Real Than the Seen…

Growing up, I was considered a bi-cultural kid. I spent significant time, during my formative years, in the United States as well as Haiti. Since moving to Haiti in the early 90’s, the impact Western culture has had upon Haiti’s culture is apparent. One could argue whether these changes have

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Site for Cholera hospital

 Before    currently   from farther back We had 3 men that were here for 2 weeks working up on the land.  I did not see much of them.  They were gone at daylight and got back most nights after dark.  They worked really hard.      I will have

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Worship Wednesday: Whatever You Do, Don’t Swallow a Camel…

Jesus’ blood pressure seems to go up in Matthew 23. He is perturbed at the Scribes and Pharisees. The chapter contains a litany of “Woe to you…hypocrites!” Before ripping into them, he prefaces it by saying, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” in

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Worship Wednesday: Christ Is A Safe Place

“In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song; this Cornerstone, this solid Ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm” I treasure that hymn and often hum it throughout the day. Sometimes I hum it to worship the Lord. Other times I hum

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There is Hope

Mehdi Dibaj Truly, living with God is glorious. The darker the night, the closer the dawn. The darker the clouds, the more plentiful the life-giving rains. The narrower the way, the more God’s unlimited help! The greater the troubles, the more the comforts from God. Though the waves of the

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