Missions Monday: C.T. Studd

C.T. Studd was an English pioneer missionary that worked in China, India, and Africa lived from 1863-1931. He was a son of a wealthy planter, Studd was converted under D.L. Moody in 1876, educated at Cambridge, and played cricket for the English national team. He was one of the famous

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“It is Jesus who heals, not I”

By: Volunteer Jess Lehman Jesus is at work. mir·a·cle – noun: 1. an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.

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Worship Wednesday: Final Thoughts on Isaiah 58

By: Casey Zachary Isaiah 58 One additional way this text should impact Christians in regards to turning inward versus turning outward is how churches engage the communities in which they live. There is a heavy tilt towards an academic emphasis in preparing pastors for ministry. This transfers over to their

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Micah 6:6-8…in Kreyol

[chirbit:http://chirb.it/nwwbEm] Micah 6:6-8 in English 6¶ Lè sa a, pèp la di: Kisa m’a pote ofri bay Seyè a, Bondye ki nan syèl la, lè m’a vin adore l’? Eske m’a pote pou li jenn ti towo bèf ki fèk gen ennan pou yo ka boule pou li? 7Eske Seyè

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Worship Wednesday: Additional Comments Concerning Isaiah 58

By: Casey Zachary Isaiah 58 It is interesting to note that in a discussion of appropriate fasting, YHWH frames it in terms of doing justice and serving the poor as the remedy to false fasting. Despite these two behaviors being closely tied to the core of who YHWH is, it

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