Guest blogger-Graham Sowa

You can click on part 1 and part 2 to read the begnning of Graham Sowa’s paper.   b.      data from Real Hope for Haiti clinic in Cazale, Haiti  The Real Hope for Haiti clinic is located in Cazale, Haiti, about 40 km north of the capital, Port-au-Prince.    Between May

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The semi container is here..

This week the semi container that was packed up in Indiana arrived here in Cazale.  We were so blessed to have a team here to help us unpack all the supplies and boxes. Lots of fun boxes for kids in the school sponsorship program! We unpacked so many boxes.  

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We are still here :)

 My excuse for not blogging-see picture above 🙂  We are so excited to have Casey with us for a week.  Love that little brother so much. We have had 5 kids die in the past week.  It has been a hard time for us.  We have one of the twins

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Where there is a need, fill it

My mom,  Lori, and I started taking in kids in 1999.  From our early years of family ministry (late 1980’s), our motto was always, “Where there is a need, fill it.”   We saw kids that were burned, sick, and malnourished and thought maybe, with a little help, they could

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Help needed to purchases Cholera test

There is a company in India that sells quick tests for cholera.  We have been using these tests occasionally since the cholera outbreak began last year.  Most patients that come to the cholera hospital do not need tested.  We feel fairly certain that they have cholera from their symptoms.  From

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