Hope Family Spotlight~Paul

Paul has been with us since 2012. He came to the clinic with his grandpa. Both of his parents died when he was young. He was malnourished and was put on the outpatient mamba program. The grandpa was very old and his only family member who was still in the

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Clinic Review – April 2021

total patients = 1898adults = 1060prenatal = 1640-14 yrs = 838births = 28 anemia = 61asthma = 7seizure = 22diabetic = 67hypertension = 115 UTI = 37fungal = 106ear infections = 36cough & cold = 628STIs = 85 % of children malnourished = 40kwashiorkor = 5# of kids graduated from

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What “Planting Hope” means to staff member Gilbert

Hello! My name is Gilbert Belneau. I have worked with Real Hope For Haiti since 2004. I’m happy to talk to all of you who have supported the mission and the good work that we do in the country of Haiti. There are many good results that the population finds

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