Smiles from the ICU & RC

Use your smile to change the world. Don’t let the world change your smile. There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. Smile and remember at the end of the day, your blessings outweigh your problems. Be the reason someone smiled today. You’re never

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Will You Step It Up To Light It Up?

Dare we say it? The end of summer is coming fast!  We want to encourage you to take advantage of these last days of summer by getting out and having fun while raising funds for Haiti.  You can help solve two current problems faced by RHFH staff in Haiti while

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History, history, history.

It was a typical clinic day, busy, but no emergencies so far. I was then asked to come look at a lady. I am led to the bench outside the dressing room. There is a woman sitting there, I will refer to her as “M”. She appears to be in

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Double your gift for diapers and wipes for the ICU children

Double the Diapers and wipes! Are you looking for a unique gift for your mom this Mother’s Day?  We are excited to provide you with a meaningful way to honor your mother this Sunday: Diapers and wipes! We are always in need of diapers, and through our strong partnership with Jake’s Diapers,

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What!!!!!!! (this is a good what!!!!!!!)

There is a lot that I took for granted working as a physician in the United States. For example, labs. I worked as a hospitalist in the states.  If I needed or wanted labs on a patient I ordered them on the computer and the results would be available usually

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A sad, frustrating story

M is an 11 year old boy who was diagnosed with pulmonary TB approximately 6 months ago. He started treatment with a standard 4 drug regimen and has done well. His energy level improved dramatically and he has been gaining weight. He presented to clinic last week for a follow

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