Pictures from the Rescue Center

Jn Daniel’s papa died last year and his mama left and is in the Dominican Republic working. She left 3 children with Jn Daniel’s grandma.  They have not heard from her in 9 months and are unsure of where she is and if she is ok.  Grandma is working to

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Pictures from the ICU

Ismanie is recovering from severe malnutrition and kwashiorkor.  She does not want to eat or drink much so she has a NG tube in and is getting medika mamba this way for now.  Once she begins to eat the NG tube will be removed. Wislere and Jn Bernard have both

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New admits to the Rescue Center

JOSE She is 4 1/2 years old and weighs 23 pounds.  She has already lost 3 pounds of “water weight” from her kwashiorkor.  She was referred to us from Children’s Health Ministries. She has been having signs of kwashiorkor for about 1 week now.  The tops of her feet were

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Cazale River fun :)

When the sweat is dripping off your nose and your clothes are soaked ….. what better way to cool off than in the river that runs right in front of our place 🙂 photo credit goes to the fabulous Anna K.  

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Clinic Photos


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Clinic patient of the month-DeJean

Dejean has been coming to our clinic since 2005.  He found out in 2001 that he was a diabetic.  He was going to a clinic that was near his home but they closed down.  The same month he developed a large wound on his foot.  He came to the clinic

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