The roof is going up!

The Cholera Treatment Center (CTC) construction is progressing well.  They have the main walls completed and the plumbing is starting to go in.  This past week, the roof started going up on one of the wards and it is really starting to take shape.  We are so excited to see

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New admits and a need for medications

*We have started a new charting system for the children that are admitted into our care.  We hope with talking more to the families and finding out more about them and how they live their daily lives. Then we can better help them with education and suggestions to help the

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Medical Directory

We have always needed to refer patients to other clinics, labs, and hospitals in Haiti and the DR. We are limited in the services that we are able to provide and need to work with others to get the best care possible for the patients.  We have gathered names and addresses from

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Tuesday: Another Busy Day in the Clinic

It’s 10:00 am on a typical Tuesday at the Real Hope for Haiti Clinic.  Here’s a quick look at some of the things that have we’ve already seen: 254 cards have been handed out to patients to be seen today. 5 children in the ICU have graduated this morning from

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Surgery team update

We told you about a surgery team from the LEAP Foundation that came to operate in Port Nov 1-4 and wanted to give you an update.  There were seven patients that went and had consultations done by the surgeons.  There were three that actually got surgery. Anack was the most

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