Update of cholera funds

RHFH received $3750 worth of powdered bleach this week.  It was all a donation we pay $0.00 for it.  We use this at the cholera house.  It is a HUGE blessing!  We are so thankful! I went up one night last week to the cholera house and found someone sleeping in

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So close…

We are only $3333.00 away from reaching the goal and to Lori jumping out of a plane.  I am a nervous wreck just thinking about it! Story for today… I was on the phone talking to the head nurse at the cholera house this morning.  We ending the conversation and

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Yesterday afternoon

Yesterday morning we had another child die at the RC.  She had just recovered from cholera and was severely malnourished before hand and just could not make it.  We were talking yesterday about how much death we have seen just this past week at RHFH.  Many kids have died and we

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Matching funds for the new cholera house

So when Lori started talking about jumping out of a plane several weeks ago, I thought it was just talk and she was not really going to do that.  I am actually very nervous about this.  Lori loves adventure, so she is all for it.  Lori and I, of course

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Please feel free to add this picture to your facebook/blog/or where ever to promote our fundraising for the new cholera facility.  We are only $9795.00 away from our goal. We have 11 days left!

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To God be all the Glory!

In 24 hours we used 29 cases (12 per case) of IV fluids.  This is what was left at 10am this morning. At about 1pm we finished unloading a HUGE load of IV fluids.  This is now what the storage area looks like.

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