A few lessons from Claudette

Smiles heal. When it’s time, ya gotta kick that walker to the curb! …unless you can use it as a jungle gym. Running is fun… …..and so dancing and kicking. And, most importantly, sisters rock!

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Regine lives in Leogane, close to the epicenter of the earthquake.  For several months prior to the earthquake, she was bedridden due to weight loss, weakness, kwashiorkor/malnutrition, severe stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.  During the earthquake, a shelf with some heavy items fell on her.  A piece of splintered wood

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some tips for short-term medical missions

From Nicholas Cunningham MD Dr P.H. ~~~ Short term medical missions can contribute towards sustainable primary health care.  How? 1. Focus on those most at risk: women and children under five. 2. Insist that your funders allow you to put 15 (or more) % of your efforts and $ into

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Cholera cases are on the rise in our area.

Reports are the after a temporary lull in reported cholera cases, they are on the rise once again in rural Haiti. We can confirm that. Yesterday, our cholera house was over capacity. Some children were sharing cots with adults. Lori was having to refer some to larger regional facilities because

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