some tips for short-term medical missions

From Nicholas Cunningham MD Dr P.H. ~~~ Short term medical missions can contribute towards sustainable primary health care.  How? 1. Focus on those most at risk: women and children under five. 2. Insist that your funders allow you to put 15 (or more) % of your efforts and $ into

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Cholera cases are on the rise in our area.

Reports are the after a temporary lull in reported cholera cases, they are on the rise once again in rural Haiti. We can confirm that. Yesterday, our cholera house was over capacity. Some children were sharing cots with adults. Lori was having to refer some to larger regional facilities because

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Cholera continues….

We want to thank Mary for masterfully making this video that explains the cholera situation here. Our numbers have been going up lately.  We have treated over 1200 pts since November. That’s a lot of lines for some people to sort out.  Here is a better breakdown.  This is our

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Contribute for Claudette’s Cream

Anna is coming to Haiti on Friday!!!  YEAH! She is bringing 24 jars of Silvadene, A&D ointment, and other things that we are needing for Claudette and the clinic. This cream will help Claudette and others for months to come.  We change burn dressings daily and this cream heals the

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