Cholera Update

By:Licia We wanted to let you know that the matching grant of $2500 was met!  We are so excited about this and the funds that will be used to help save as many lives as we can from cholera. This cooler is filled up several times a day with homemade

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Cholera Prevention

We have 12 health workers traveling the in the country side all around us trying to spread the word on cholera and prevention.   They are doing a fantastic job and have already spoken to 13467 people this week. The have given megaphone messages in markets and to those along

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Malaria Facts and Figures

Malaria – Facts and figures Every year, malaria kills 1-2 million people and infects 300-500 million. 90% of deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. The disease is present in over 100 countries, threatening 40% of the world’s population. Malaria is caused by four species of Plasmodium protozoa (single-cell parasites): Plasmodium falciparum,

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Patelma, the local town drunk,(I only write that because many of you know him) was found in his house this AM passed out laying in vomit and diar.  Lori trying to start an IV with Carole. The lady on the cot covered with a white sheet stopped breathing last night when

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Cholera Patients

Enelson the youngest patient at the Cholera house Patient care by Caroline and Lori. When you enter and exit the yard you have to be sprayed down with a solution of alcohol. Each major room has a place to step in that has bleach water in it.  This is to

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Cholera Update

We wanted to give you an update on the Cholera in our area.  We have been seeing a decrease in patients this past week.  Many of the beds are empty.  We of course are excited about this! Carloine and Lori getting an IV started. Lori has truly saved hundreds of

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