Answer the question dude #6

What does a typical day look like for those who work in the rescue center? The first shift begins at 6am.  They come in and get the kids up.  They put the beds up for the day, wash their faces, brush their teeth and  do an overall check on the

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Needed funds for medical testing

This need is met.  THANK YOU!!!!!!! The Rescue Center and Clinic have been running low of funds for several months now.  We are making ends meet the best we can but have some needs that we need met to be able to give the same amount of service to those

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Can you help us to get more diapers for RHFH?

This is from a new friend of RHFH who is working to get cloth diapers for the 75 to 80 kid we have in the Rescue Center and ICU.  Here is the post from their facebook page : “Are you ready to rock change? We’ve partnered with our friends at

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Update on Jn Edward

Jn Edward is a very special little boy who has been through so much is his life already.  You can read his story here , and here.  He was near near death when he was admitted over a year ago.  His treatment for his illness took 12 months.  He is healed

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Update on Wensky

You can read the first post about Wensky here.  He has come a long way since February.  When he first arrived he was a very sick boy.  Not only was he sick physically but was also going through a lot of emotional and mental issues due to losing his parents and

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New children admitted to the Rescue Center

ANGELITA She is 14 months old and weighs 18 pounds.   Her mama left her at her papa’s  house and they have not seen the mama in months.  Her papa is a moto driver but is unable to care for her.  He lives at home with his mama and she has been her primary

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