
We are thankful today to so many of you that continue to support our effort here in Cazale, Haiti.  Whether it be through prayer, financial donations, donations of supplies, encouraging words, researching for us or actually coming to lend us a hand, we appreciate you and are so thankful to

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New Admits

BETCHINA This little one is 22 days old and weighs 4 pounds.  Her mother died when she was just a few days old.  She was then given to her grandma so that she could care for her.  Grandma is going blind and was not able to give her the care

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New admits to the RC

ASNEL He is 15 months old and weights 19 pounds 8 ounces.  He was admitted due to having 2 large abcesses on his bottom.  He received shots for fever from someone near their house and then developed the abcesses.  He was in a lot of pain and his temp was

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New admits

MILOCHARD She is 3 years old and weighs 19 pounds.  She has 6 living siblings at home.  This is her first time with kwashiorkor and we are hopeful that she will have a quick recovery.  She is currently on the medika mamba program. LOUKENDY This little one is 2 1/2 months old

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F-75 and F-100 Therapeutic Milk

We admit a lot of children that are severely malnourished and very sick.  We are currently using Medika Mamba  (watch a CNN video here about the product) and love how it works for our kids.   After reading many books and dealing with a lot of very sick kids we have seen the need

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New admits this past week

NOELCA She is 3 years old and weighs 23 pounds.  She has abcess in her rectum and has kwashiorkor.  She had a rough weekend with lots of pain and drainage but is finally feeling better today.  Noelca has one living sister.  She is currently on the medika mamba program. JOHN

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