New admits to the RC

JN LUTHERS He is almost 4 years old.  He weighs 26 pounds and this is his second time with kwashiorkor.  He has 5 living siblings at home and 2 that have died from kwashiorkor.  He is currently on the medika mamba program. This is his mom and 2 of his

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Update on Melicia

Melicia came to the clinic and was admitted to the Rescue Center.   Her lowest weight with us was 58 pounds.  She went home at 98 pounds. We have not seen her for a few months.  She came back for a visit.  She looks great and is up to 130 pounds.  We

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End of the year update for the Rescue Center

Who else could I start the end of the year RC post with except Darlens. 🙂  Darlens is doing well.  One of the nannies is working with him weekly to try and get him to stand and walk.  He can get up and down off of a chair or his

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End of the year report for food boxes

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” – Mother Teresa  Believing the problem is to big is not an option.  Doing nothing is not an option.  Doing something with what you have is the answer.  If we look and the HUGE problem we will get discouraged

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The last new admits in the Rescue Center for 2011

WEDSON His mom died several months ago.  He is an only child.  This is his second time with kwashiorkor.  He is 16 months old and weighs 13 pounds 8 ounces. He is currently on the medika mamba program. DAVID He was born with 2 club feet.  His mom died shortly

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Wrapping Up A Great Year

As the end of the year comes to a close, we reflect on the many activities here at Real Hope For Haiti and we know that none would be possible without God’s Grace and the loving support that you give to us.  Just in case you missed it, we wanted

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