
You can read Sodlyne’s story  here Sodlyne has been here at the RC for over 1 year.  She was very sick and needed to take medication each day for 1 year.  She is healed and through with her medications and went home this past week.  Will you pray that she

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Guest blogger Graham Sowa

You can read the first part of Grahams paper here a. definition and types of nutritional failure Nutritional failure can have three general causes:  1) Deficiency of total caloric and protein intake (clinically manifested as marasmus), 2) Deficiency of protein intake only (clinically manifested as kwashiorkor), or 3) a combination

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New kids in the RC

Wow~it has been several days since the last post.  Believe me we have not been sitting around in the Caribbean sun taking a break 🙂  We have had lots of sick kids and adults with us.  It takes several hours out of our day just to give meds and make

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Guest Blogger-Graham Sowa

Graham Sowa is a good friend of Real Hope for Haiti.  He is currently in medical school in Cuba and wrote the below paper.  We will be sharing it in several different post.  It is a good read to help understand the effects of what kwashiorkor and malnutrtion does to the body.

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Guest blogger

by: Hannah Rogers The Lord blessed me with the opportunity to spend a month volunteering at Real Hope this summer. Never before has He blessed me so richly. Words aren’t sufficient to describe my experiences, yet I know that I am changed. After my parents returned from a short term

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New admits to the RC

DAWENS Dawens came to the clinic because he was sick.  On the way here he got worse and was having lots of diar and vomiting.  He tested positive for cholera but was also needing IV antibiotic meds due to other illnesses that he had. He stayed with us here in

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