Mamba Grads!

This is 6 year old little Sorel. His lowest weight was 25lbs and he now weighs 39lbs. Rosemene had cholera before coming down to the Rescue Center. She is 7 years old and she was incredibly weak after being ill and couldn’t even hold her head up. Her lowest weight

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New kids in the RC and new adult patients

KENISON He 4 years old and weighs 27 pounds.  Kenison and his three siblings all had cholera.  The others recovered but he is not doing as well.  He is very swollen and will be in our cholera recovery room for several weeks. NOEL He is 9 years old and weighs 45

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New kids in the RC

FABIENNE She is 2 years old and weighed 26 pounds in this picture below.  She since has lost 6 pounds of “water weight” from the kwashiorkor.  She has 8 living siblings and 1 that has died.  Her mom walked about 5 hours to bring her to the clinic.  (She is

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Two new admits at the RC today.  One child went home that is healed and healthy.  That makes our total number 80 kids. 2 kids died at the cholera house today.  One this morning and one just a few minutes ago.  The one this evening was one of our staff

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New kids at the RC

THALIE She is 11 months old and weighs 12 pounds 6 ounces.  She is very sick.  Her mom become pregnant with another child and stopped breastfeeding her at about 5 months old.  She has been getting worse since then.  She was in a Peds hospital in Port and become sicker

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Monday update

I have started this post several times now trying to get into words what we at RHFH are feeling tonight.  We are very overwhelmed.  Even through the flood, earthquake and many other large challenges we have faced we are feeling more right now.  We see no real end in sight. 

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