
img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-7720″ title=”Elithaoct2010″ src=”http://haitirescuecenter.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/elithaoct2010.jpg” alt=”” width=”299″ height=”448″ /> On Monday I posted the picture above of Elita.  She had been improving and doing so well.  Yesterday morning she became ill and died this morning at 3 am.  It was neurological.  Something was going on inside of her that

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What is kwashiorkor? Click here Mackenson after 2 weeks on the medika mamba program.  He has gone from 19 pounds 8 ounces to 16 pounds 12 ounces. This is good not bad.  His little body is trying to recover and get back to normal.  He must lose this “water weight” 

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4 new kids

Daphna’s  dad died while she was still in her mama’s belly.  Her mama delivered her and went crazy a few days later.  The family kept her tied up for several months so that she would not hurt herself or run away.  Daphna was admitted into the RC when she was 22

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If  you have been following my blog for awhile you will remember these four boys below.  Their lives were changed forvever with Medika Mamba.  We have had a discouraging week with many sick and malnourished kids.  I will have a post coming soon about 4 new kids.  I believe their

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Rose Mirlande

Rose Mirlande came to the clinic several weeks ago.  It was on a Sunday afternoon.  She was very, very sick that day.  She had a very high fever and was not responsive to anyone.  She was 7 years old ans weighed 35 pounds.   We took her into the clinic and Lori

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